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  • 5 Ways to Make Yours a Sustainable House

The future of the house is in suitable development. The dire environmental state of our planet has resulted in a rising demand for sustainable houses. If each home adopts a few sustainable practices, it could create a ripple effect of global change.

While we can look for a developer to promote this idea, they can’t tick off every checkbox. If you’re a homeowner and want to do more for the planet, use these five tips to make your home more eco-friendly.

Plan for the Future

The crux of suitability lies less in the process and more in the planning. Having a roadmap of your home’s changes and needs will bring about a decline in wastage. In contrast, reconstructing or renovating your home every few years will negate the positive effects of sustainable practices.

Spend more time in planning before you jump into design. If you are buying a ready-to-move-in home, ensure you weigh the available options in the market to find the perfect match.

Material Use

The first step towards better homes is altering the material in use. While it’s impossible to change the material of construction, any future additions to your home can be eco-friendly.

The use of paint is a significant game-changer. Using colors that contain low volatile-organic-compounds (VOC) will bring less damage to the soil and atmosphere. The same also lasts longer and has no toxins.

Similarly, change the glasses on your windows to passive solar-heating design. These allow the light to pass in more quickly and conserve heat in the winters. Another alternative is double glazed windows. These are perfect insulation materials that preserve the energy spent from air conditioners and heaters.

You can also choose to use weather-appropriate flooring boards and ceiling tiles to adjust to weather change.

Renewable Energy Sources

The one practice that defies a sustainable house is the preservation of power. Savings are possible by harnessing solar energy. By placing a grid of solar cells on the south-face of your home, you can convert sunlight to electricity. This practice will reduce the cost of electricity and ensure subsidiaries from the power-department.

Another great tool is the solar water heater. These are more effective than electric alternatives, as they do not draw power. Plus, hot water is readily available in the tap at all times.

Another way to increase savings is rainwater harvesting. Most states in India have enforced this by law. Rainwater can be sent back to the ground to replenish the water-table or stored in a ground-tank and used for gardening and washing.

Power Optimization

Rather than saving and replacing power, there is another critical role of optimizing it. If you were to leave a 60-Watt bulb running for a whole hour without any use, it would drain 0.6KWHs of power.

While this is a small amount, it will add to a massive loss of money and energy over time. To stop this, you can use remote or motion-triggered light switches. These only consume power as per the need.

Modern-day appliances like ACs and refrigerators also come with smart cooling and energy optimization settings. Pick appliances that gauge the optimum requirement and use limited power.

Better Use of Green Space

Green spaces in your home can be a great way to promote sustainable living. They are an excellent source for fresh ingredients and help reduce soil-erosion, revitalize the earth, and enhance air quality.

If you lack the area, you can also opt for a terrace garden or a vertical-walled garden. They do not just help nature, but also enhance the beauty quotient of your home.

In Conclusion

It’s no surprise that developers are leaning into nature-friendly homes. A sustainable house is not just pocket-friendly in the long run but also helps you do your bit for this planet that is our lifeline.

Aparna Constructions in Hyderabad are vocal advocates of sustainable homes. The construction company prides themselves on their attention to detail and 24+ years of industry experience.

For quality homes aimed at sustainability, visit Aparna Constructions today!


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